The Project
The imshopping.com project is a human-assisted shopping web site similar to Quara and Yahoo! answers with a shopping focus. The site was broken down into 4 main areas based on user research. Dashboard of activity, Asking, Answering, and Browsing product questions. There was a strong focus on current activity and product experts throughout the site design. Ultimately the trend of questions and answers was not a good pivot for the company so we redirected focus on a marketplace instead.
The imshopping.com project is a human-assisted shopping web site similar to Quara and Yahoo! answers with a shopping focus. The site was broken down into 4 main areas based on user research. Dashboard of activity, Asking, Answering, and Browsing product questions. There was a strong focus on current activity and product experts throughout the site design. Ultimately the trend of questions and answers was not a good pivot for the company so we redirected focus on a marketplace instead.

Home page(signed out): Essentially a dashboard page with activity and ability to ask questions.
UX solution: Create a page that gives the user the sense of community and strong activity. I highlilghted the most recent activity top left corner of the page for a quick view into what was done last. Wishlists directly underneath that were saved from a clipping tool that we also produced. Some marketing and badges that were promoted on the right and ability to ask a question still from any page.

Home page (signed in): Final home page.

Browse page: Users have the ability to see all thier friends shopping activity, questions and polls and products they "like".
UX solution: Give the user the ability to see "Activity", make the site seem alive with people and also give them quick access to the important areas. Users can Ask shopping questions or browse the rest of the community.

Ask page: Final UI

Answer questions-Topic input: User can start building thier shopping profile by entering topics and then they would recieve questions they could answer giving the data.

Answer page(output): Users can find questions to answer and earn badges and points.
UX solution: Focus was to easiy see the user, users question, and ability to answer it quickly. The user should also have ability to see what activity that they have last done in the past and where they stand in certain categories. Expert, Novice, etc. Show other badges that the user can earn, and see the community leaders and points.

Profile page: The user has the ability to see thier profile or others and see the areas of expertise.
UX solution: Make the person a real expert and human being. Show thier interests, expertise and favorite shopping products. Show the achievements, levels and activity. This was designed in a colorful way that is easy to use. Basically a resume for shopping.

Profile page: Detailed view

Past design of Imshopping.com. The site went through three visual re-designs. I created the look and feel and worked with PM's to create product experience.